Hello everyone, how are you guys today? may all be in good health, amen,
back again with my blog that I haven't touched for a long time, hehehe, okay today I want to tell you a little about my experience watching the Maroon5 concert in Seoul yesterday, November 30, 2022. So as soon as I know the info about Maroon5 going to a concert in Seoul, I always check the official website of ticket sales, as soon as the tickets are opened, I immediately check all the tickets, I ask my husband "Han, can I not watch maroon5, I like the song from the high school era yank, can ya?" I asked my husband on a whim, hehehe ga prank also tp intention, hehehe.
I didn't expect my husband to say "I've just watched it".
"Buy ya tickets, hehehe"
"okay" yeay managed to make a husband, hehehe
finally I managed to get the tickets on the YES24 website, so livenation open ticket sales on 2 official websites in Korea, YES24 same interpark Ticket. after being able to do YES24 I can be in the front row of the stage which is part B with the queue sequence number 1500s. but I tried to open interpark on a whim to fill in the waiting list for people's tickets that were canceled, krn at Interpark all tickets have been sold g can be booked, while I just fill in the dftr waiting for the tickets, krn I fill in the waiting daftr on the side of section A queue number 1040, if you can get it is quite advanced 500 people, hehehe.
okay, the day I watched the Blackpink concert on October 15, in the afternoon cocoa talk I had a notification from the interpark ticket which contained that I could buy a ticket that I kept on the waiting list, finally without long I processed until the payment was at the interpark, as soon as the ticket got it, I opened the YES24 application to cancel my ticket which was number 1500 earlier.
I got tickets for the concert on November 11th, as soon as I opened the envelope, my heart felt uneasy, happy, moved, just full of gratitude. Oh my God, finally a septi can watch Maroon5, it's really not this, I dream ga, I don't stop saying thank you to the creator who has been so good in my 31 years of life. thanks God.
D-day arrived, the concert started at 8 o'clock in the evening, but it was not that easy, friends2. I arrived at Gocheok around 3 o'clock, while the standing queue opened at 4 pm, which meant I had to wait for the gate to open. and you know what? the temperature at that time was minus 8 degrees, knew for myself how cold it was, the wind was strong, fortunately I before going check the weather application so I had prepared using warm clothes and didn't miss buying a hotpack and I brought 3 seeds to guard2. And really, as soon as I entered the queue, the temperature was not about 2, being dried under minus temperature for an hour was very much a thing that I didn't forget. The cold thing makes my legs feel bad, sad, just want to worry about it, how have you been waiting in line for a long time. I thought to myself, knowing like this I bought one sitting on the 1st floor, but my little heart said "Be patient, later you will definitely be able to see Adam Levine from a short distance". okay, I just follow my little heart. entering the venue, I almost got a spot on the stage, so the shape of the stage is like the shape of the letter T, friends2, it's really big the venue. before the concert started, at 7.30 there was a performance from the DJ for 30 minutes.
jeng2 at 8.15 o'clock started sodara2, the performance opened with the most famous song "MOVES LIKE JAGGER" and wow wow wow wow wow really, I was speechless, I really enjoyed this Maroon5 concert, I'm really happy, here I can take off bgt, krn BP concert yesterday even though I was in front of the stage krn still enforced social distancing, jd the concert is all seated, so I g can jump2, can't move freely. and this is where all my dance skills are channeled, hahaha, I swear to the back of me saying, wow, the dance is cool, hahaha you are all on the hand movements on the rapper's ala2, hehehe. but it's as exciting as that Maroon5 concert. I can't forget. thank God for all your generosity. I enjoyed this concert because everything in the venue was in the same frequency and agreed, which is to want to be happy2. I recorded a fancam concert only on song2 that I like even a split second ga dr the beginning to the end, it is said that I want to make a DVD tape hahahaha.
if I can be honest, I want to work hard, so that if there is a concert of my idol, I just want to watch it in Korea. aamiine. why is that? the people are all in order, the organizers are also cool, the one who was right in the middle of the concert yesterday was the security muter nanyain on needing water, I asked for a glass of paper cup, and the garbage was bagged by myself2 as soon as it came out of the venue a lot of bgt was provided with trash cans. so it's really2 orderly, the atmosphere is not tacky, the people are neat2, fragrant2, and the cleanliness is really maintained. I have lived in Korea for 5 years, so I can know bgt here it is bner2 wah anyway advanced HR is important for the advancement of a country. huhuhu this I am honest as it is from what I feel. that love me with Korea. Love You Korea.
oke, balik ke cerita konser. total lagu yang dibawain ada 20an lagu lebih. yang dibikin akustik ada 2 lagu dari setlist yg dibawain, Payphone dan She will beloved.
anyway ada satu lagu khusus adam levine di ost film BEGIN AGAIN "Lost Stars" justru aku tahu lagu ini bukan dari adam,tapi di cover sama dedek Jungkook, hahaha. lagu penutup konser dibawakanlah lagu andalan yang semua orang pasti udah pada tahu, apalagi kalau bukan "SUGAR". dan selesailah konser ini tepat jam 10 teng.
aku sampai rumah lagi jam 11an, wah sungguh sangat menantang dan sangat menyenangkan, gimana ga menantang, aku jalan jam 11 di suhu minus 4 derajat. huaa tangan semua beku, hotpack panas smpe ga kerasa apa2, pokoknya dingin. But menyenangkan bisa liat babang adam yang emang pesonanya wah banget, di MV aja ganteng bgt, ini aku nonton depan mata aku, hua aku bakal pingsan kalau sampe dipeluk kali ya, hahaha ngayal. pokoknya Maroon5 band legend yang bakal legend, dan ngefans band semacam maroon5 ini ga kudu jadi fans fanatik, krn denger lagunya aja udah lgsung suka, dan bersyukur apapun itu aku suka ya sekedar suka, ga yg garis keras bgt. intinya sewajarnya. kalau rejekinya ada bisa nonton konser idola langsung kenapa gak ya kan.
For a snippet of the excitement, you can see it at
youtube channel me yes, thank you already stopped by read my blog, see you again next